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Sassafras Tech Collective

Congrats Kevin! and Welcome Jane!

Published July 13, 2020

In this wild summer of 2020, we are making space to celebrate.

First, after working with Sassafras as a prospective worker-owner for one year (and a bit longer as a consultant!), Kevin Cooper has joined Sassafras as a full worker-owner! Kevin first heard about Sassafras from our NPR interview we did about two years ago with Elizabeth and Jill. At Sassafras, we really appreciate Kevin’s optimism, tech skills, and endless desire to learn and grow!

In a worker-owned cooperative, being a worker-owner means that you own a share in the company, receive patronage (a share of the profits according to hours put in), and are responsible for participating in making decisions and carrying out the work that impacts Sassafras as a business. These decisions involve compensation & benefits, rates, processes, clients, finances, strategy and a lot more all with an anti-oppressive lens. We all share in the management work while also still doing revenue generating work. Thus, there is no separation between management and workers. It is our goal for all workers to also be owners. Read more about the 6 principles of worker-owned cooperatives and more at the USFWC.

We also welcome our summer intern, Jane Im! Jane is a PhD student at the University of Michigan School of Information. Sassafras had already been collaborating with Jane as part of her research, so we are excited for the opportunity to work with her more closely over the summer on consentful technologies.

Image: “Together apart”, MacPhee. JustSeeds care package #3.